Books required for optometry students

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Dear Optometry Students, You might have confusion or queries regarding which book do you need to buy or which book is the best to follow. Worry not, we have collected all the details of the best books through the reference of eminent Optometry personalities. And we are giving all the required information to you including the name of the books, its authors & publications, the year of publication along with its cover picture. These are highly recommendable books for optometry students to up-stand their optometry carrier. Do check them out.


1.1 Basic Science 


  1. Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students, Richard S. Snell
  2. Grant’s Method of Anatomy, J.V. Basmajian


  1. Human Physiology 11volume, Chaterjee, 1987
  2. Medical Physiology, 10th edition, Guyton and Hall, Harcourt Asia (p) Ltd.


  1. Robbins Basic Pathology – 10th Edition – Elsevier, Book by Stanley L Robbins
  2. Ocular Pathology Book by Joseph W. Sassani and Myron Yanoff


  1. Biochemistry (1st edition) U. Satyanarayan. Books and Allied (P) Ltd. Calcutta.
  2. Instant notes in Biochemistry 2nd edition B.D. Hames &N.M. Hopper. Viva book Private Limited, New Delhi.
  3. Lippincott’s illustrated reviews: Biochemistry, 2nd edition, Pamela C. Champe and Richard A. Harvey.
  4. Harper’s biochemistry, 25th edition, Rober K. Murray, Daryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes and Victor W. Rodevell.
  5. Lehninger Principals of Biochemistry (3rd edition) David L.Nelson &Michael M.Cox.


  1. Textbook of Microbiology. Ananthanarayan, 1991.
  2. Infectious diseases of the eye. Smolin, Tabbara and Whitcher 1984.
  3. American Academy of ophthalmology, vol.8 External disease of eye and cornea, 2000.


  1. Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, vol. 2, Satoskar,1991
  2. Havener’s Ocular Pharmacology

1.2.1 Light and Optics

  • Optics, WHA Fincham and Freemann Butterworths, 1990
  • Visual Science, Hart WM
  • Clinical optics- Tory E. Fannin, Theodor Grosvenor-IInd edition
  • The Principle of OPthalmic Optics-m. Jaile- IIIrd Edition

1.2.2 Visual and Optometric Science

  1. Visual science, Hart WM
  2. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennett AG and Rabbetts RB, 1997

1.3 Course Title: Organ Systems

1.3.1 Musculoskeletal System

  1. Anatomy and Physiology, 8th edition, Ross and Wilson, Churchill Livingstone,
  2.   International edition.
  3. Medical Physiology, 10th edition. Guyton and Hall, Harcourt Asia (P) Ltd.

1.3.2 Gastrointestinal System

  1. Anatomy and Physiology, 8th edition, Ross and Wilson, Churchill Livingstone, international edition.
  2. Medical Physiology, 10th edition. Guyton and Hall, Harcourt Asia (P) Ltd.

1.3.3 Respiratory System

  1. Anatomy and Physiology, 8th edition, Ross and Wilson, Churchil Livingstone, international edition.
  2. Medical Physiology, 10th edition. Guyton and Hall, Harcourt Asia (P) Ltd.
  3. Muir’s textbook of Pathology, Macsween, 1992.

1.3.4 Cardiovascular system

  1. Anatomy and Physiology, 8th edition, Ross and Wilson, Churchil Livingstone, international edition.
  2. Medical Physiology, 10 th edition. Guyton and Hall, Harcourt Asia (P) Ltd.
  3. Muir’s textbook of Pathology, Macsween, 1992.

1.3.5 Neurosensory system

  1. Anatomy and Physiology, 8th edition, Ross and Wilson, Churchill Livingstone, International edition.
  2. Medical Physiology, 10th edition. Guyton and Hall, Harcourt Asia (P) Ltd.
  3. Muir’s textbook of Pathology, Macsween, 1992.
  4. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Vol. 5, 2000

1.3.6 Endocrine System   

  • Anatomy and physiology,8th edition, Ross and Wilson, Churchil Livingstone, International edition.
  • Medical Physiology,10th edition, Guyton and Hall, Harcourt Asia P. Ltd.
  • Muir’s test book of pathology, Macsween, 1992
  • American Academy of Ophthalmology, Vol. 5, 2000

1.3.7 Ocular pharmacology

  1. Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, II vol., Satoskar, 1991
  2. Havner’s Pharmacology

1.4 Course Title: Ocular System

  1. Clinical Anatomy of the eye; Snell R. Lemp M.A, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1989
  2. Parson’s Diseases of the Eye, Miller, 1992

1.5 Course Title: Visual Science

  1. Adler’s Physiology of Eye, Hart WM(ed),1992
  2. Physiology of Eye, Davson H, Churchill Livingstone,1990
  3. Sensation and perception- E. Bruce Goldstein
  4. Vision and Visual preception- Wiley
  5. Experimental Psychology: Methodology, Psychophysics and learning M.R.D.’A Mato
  6. Physiological Optics III: Ocular Motility-Douglas Horner

1.6 Course Title: Optometric Science

  1. Clinical Optics, Fannin TE and Grosvenor, 1996
  2. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennett AG and Rabbetts RB,1997
  3. Clinical refraction- Borish- IIIrd Edition

1.7 Course Title: Introduction to Community Health

  1. Park and Park’s Community and Social Medicine
  2. Community eye health-An international Journal to Promote eye Health Care
  3. Methods of Biostatistics- B. K. Mahajan


2.1 Course Title: Ocular Disease

  1. Parson’s Diseases of Eye, Miller, 1992
  2. Clinical Ophthalmology, Kanski JJ
  3. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Vol. no. 1-12, 2000

2.2 Course Title: Optometry I

  1. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennett AG and Rabbett RB, 1997
  2. Principles of Ophthalmic Lenses, Jalie M
  3. Primary care Optometry, Grosvenor T., 1996

2.3 Course Title: Optometry II

  1. Clinical Optics, Fannin TE and Grosvenor, 1996
  2. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennett AG and Rabbetts RB, 1997
  3. Primary Care Optometry, Grosvenor TP, 1996
  4. Dictionary of Optometry, Millodot. M., 1993

2.4 Course Title: Ophthalmic Optics 1

  1. Clinical optics, Fannin TE and Grosvenor TP, 1996
  2. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennet AG and Rabbetts RB, 1997
  3. Principals of Ophthalmic lenses, Jalie M
  4. Primary care Optometry, Grosvenor T, 1996

2.5 Course Title: Advanced visual Science

  1.  Adler’s physiology of eye, Hart WM (ed), 1992
  2. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennett and Rabbett RB, 1997
  3. Primary Care Optometry, Grosvenor T., 1996

2.6 Course Title: Binocular vision 1

  1. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennett AG and Rabbett RB, 1997.
  2. Binocular vision anomalies: Investigation and treatment, Pickwell LD, 1989.
  3. Binocular vision and ocular motility, Von Noorden 5th edition.
  4. Binocular anomalies: Griffin JR, Grisham D, 3rd edition.
  5. Primary care optometry, Grosvenor T,1996

2.7 Course Title: Contact Lens I

  1. Contact lenses: Textbook for practitioners and students, Stone J and Phillip AJ, 4th edition
  2. Contact Lenses Manual: A practical fitting guide, Gasson A & Morris, 1993
  3. Complications of contact Lens Wear, Tomlinson A., Butterworths

2.8 Course Title: Low vision

  1. Remediation and Management of Low Vision, Cole RG and Rosenthal BP, 1996
  2. Optometric management of visual Handicap, Farrall H., 1991
  3. Clinical Low Vision, Faye E, Little Brown and company,1984
  4. Age-related macular degeneration Principals and practice, Hampton GR and Nelson PT,1992
  5. Vision and Aging, Rosenbloom AA and Morgan MW,1993
  6. Functional Assesment of Low Vision, Mosby’s Optometric problem-solving series, Rosenthal BP, Cole RG,1996


3.1 Course Title: Ophthalmic optics

  1. Modern Ophthalmic Optics
  2. Clinical Optics

3.2 Course Title: Contact Lens II & Ocular Prosthesis

  1. Contact lenses: Textbook for practitioners and students, Stone J and Phillips AJ, 4th edition
  2. Contact Lenses Manual: A practical fitting guide, Gasson A & Morris, 1993
  3. Complications of contact Lens Wear, Tomlinson A., Butterworths

3.3 Course Title: Binocular vision 

  1. Clinical Visual Optics, Bennett AG and Rabbett RB, 1997.
  2. Binocular vision anomalies: Investigation and treatment, Pickwell LD, 1989.
  3. Binocular vision and ocular motility, Von Noorden 5th edition.
  4. Binocular anomalies: Griffin JR, Grisham D, 3rd edition.

3.4 Course title: Pediatric Optometry

  1. Paediatric Optometry 1st Edition by William Harvey MCOptom (Author), Bernard Gilmartin PhD BSc FBCO FAAO

3.5 Course Title: Low vision II

  1. Remediation and Management of Low Vision, Cole RG and Rosenthal BP, 1996
  2. Optometric management of visual Handicap, Farrall H., 1991
  3. Clinical Low Vision, Faye E,Little Brown and company,1984
  4. Age related macular degeneration Principals and practice, Hampton GR and Nelson PT,1992
  5. Vision and Aging, Rosenbloom AA and Morgan MW,1993
  6. Functional Assessment of Low Vision, Mosby’s Optometric problem solving series, Rosenthal BP, Cole RG,1996

List of books you can buy

  1. Clinical visual optics by Bennet AG & Rabbets RB.
  2. Adler’s physiology of eye by Hart WM.
  3. Physiology of vision by Davson H, Churchill Livingstone
  4. Vision and Visual perception by Wiley.
  5. Clinical refraction by Borish
  6. Clinical optics by Fannin TE and Grosvernor
  7. Park’s and Park’s community and social medicine
  8. Methods of Biostatistics by B.K.Mahajan
  9. Community eye health – An international journal to promote eye health
  10. Parson’s Eye disease
  11. Ophthalmology by A.K Khurana
  12. Primary care optometry by Theodor Grosvenor
  13. Clinical ophthalmology by JJ Kanski
  14. American Academy of Ophthalmology all series
  15. Principles of an ophthalmic lens by Jalie M
  16. Dictionary of optometry by Millodot .M
  17. Binocular vision and ocular motility by Von Noorden
  18. Binocular anomalies By Griffin JR, Grisham
  19. Binocular vision anomalies: Investigation and treatment by Pickwell LD
  20. Contact lenses: Textbook for practitioners and students by stone J & Phillips AJ
  21. Contact lens manual: a practical fitting guide Gasson A & Morris
  22. Complications of contact lens Wear by Tomlinson
  23. IACLE contact lens manual all modules new edition
  24. Functional assessment of low vision, Mosby’s Optometric problem-solving series by Rosenthal BP , Cole RG
  25. Clinical low vision, Faye E. Little brown and company
  26. Low vision manual
  27. Essentials of low vision
  28. Optometric management of visual handicapped by Farrall .H
  29. System of ophthalmic dispensing by Borish
  30. Wills eye manual
  31. Squint and orthoptics by AK Khurana
  32. Clinical procedures of optometry
  33. Steven Schwartz-Geometrical and Visual Optics-McGraw-Hill Medical (2013)
  34. Bhattacharya-Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry-Jaypee Brothers Medical   Publishers (P) Ltd. (2009)
  35. Edward S. Bennett, Vinita Allee Henry-Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses-LWW (2013)
  36. Clinical orthoptics by f. Rowe
  37. Electrophysiology of vision by Byron
  38. Textbook of corneal topography Jaypee publications.
  39. Anterior and posterior segment OCT by Jaypee publications.
  40. Ophthalmic ultrasound by Jaypee publications
  41. The practical handbook of FFA by Jaypee publication

Best book for Optometry’s students 

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